Friday 3 July 2020

Cross Country 2020

Cross Country 2020!

Hello bloggers from all around the world! Welcome back and Today I am going to tell you about cross contry for 2020. Yesterday we were all put in our year levels. The year levels were Yr 0/1 girls, yr 0/1 boys, also yr 3&4, and last but not least the yr 5's & 6's. The first station my group went to was the free time area place. Over there you just had free time and you could play games and play on the playground. The next station my group went to was Tennis. Over there you had to play real Tennis. The next station my group went to was handball. Over there you stand in a square and then throw the ball with your hand to the other person. The next station my group went to was the blindfold challenge. It w that you had to blind fold your eyes and the other buddie holds the bucket and then yo had to pick up bean bags. You had to pick up bean bags blind folded with out touching the hoola hoops. The next station was the warm up before the run. You had to do 10 star jumps then do more excersise moves and then cheer for the people running. The next station was the running and I cam 4th place. 

Here are the photos of the day

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