Saturday 25 April 2020

Day 1 of Ramadhan

Hi guys today is Ramadhan and I am fasting. Ramadhan normally has 30 days and then it comes Eid. Muslims basically have 2 Eids one you need to fast and the other you don't need to fast. Basically it depends on the moon. We wake up at dawn and then we eat at sun goes down. We eat yummy food then we leave it and pray and then we come back and eat that is what my family does. Hope you like it please leave a comment when you read it.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amara, thank you for sharing with us about your celebration of Ramadhan. You do have a busy time during the 30 days. It's nice that when you eat, you have special, tasty food. You must be very hungry when it is time too eat. Do you do anything else to celebrate during Ramadhan?
    Keep up the good work and enjoy this time with your family. Keep up the blogging. I enjoy seeing and hearing all about what Waikowhai chidren are doing with learning from home.


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