Tuesday 14 April 2020

Homemade Ludo

Hi everybody it's me Amara and today i'm going to share our homemade Ludo. We were so excited to be playing it. There we four colours let me introduce you to who me and my family were. I came 1st my brother came 2nd my mum came 3rd and my dad came 4th place.
Here are some photo's
Green- Me

Red- My dad

Yellow- My mum

Blue- My brother


  1. Hi Amara, it's fantastic to see that you made your own large scale version of this game! Do you know, it was my favourite game to to play when I was about your age. We had lots of hours of fun playing this as a family - you've made me remember some really happy memories. Maybe you could give people instructions on how to play, so that they could maybe have a go at this themselves. I'm intrigued, I can't quite make it out on the photographs, what were you using as counters? It's great to see you enjoying some family time during the lockdown. I'll look forward to reading your next post.

  2. Hi Amara, what a fabulous activity to have spent time making and now being able to play with your family. It's a good size for the floor. You can all sit around it as you enjoy playing. My brother and I played ludo a lot when we were younger. Most of the time he won, but I loved playing with him. Wow, you came first! Great going! How many times have you played?
    As term two starts, and learning is a bit different to what you are used to, I hope you enjoy tasks and activities that your teacher has shared.
    Keep safe and enjoy time with your family.
    We will see you when we are all back at school

  3. Hi Amara, I love playing games with my family. We do get very competitive though, does yours? I like Ludo, I haven't played it in a long time. It is fantastic that you made it yourselves and have added photos to your blog post. Maybe next time you could explain a little bit about how to play? Keep up the great blogging!


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