Friday, 5 November 2021

My work for this week🏫

 My work for this week🏫

Asalaam Alaikum bloggers around the world🌍. Today I am going to be blogging about my work for this week. We had to do a lockdwon creations slideshow this week again. Like normal we had 4 tasks that we had to do. The 4 tasks were reading,writing,maths and other. The tasks were so much fun. I really liked the other tasks because we got to do science which was so much fun. We could choose which scince experiment we had to do or we  could do both. The two science experiments we could try were the coke and the lava lamp. I tried the lava lamp one. It was so much fun.

Also another task that we got to do was the narrative slideshow. The narrative slidehsow was basically a slidehsow that we had to work on the whole week. We had to do one slide each day that was set for us. On Tuesday we had to do our understanding. On Wednesday we had to do our planning. On Thursday we had to do our first draft. On Friday we had to do our illustration. We had to also create a morphed animal on Tuesday. A morphed animal is an animal that is made up. We had to go to a website to do that. My charachter had a wolf head, a cat body, and a bird tail.

Here is my lockdown slideshow 

Here is my Narrative slideshow


  1. First of all, congratulations on receiving a certificate for your awesome online learning. Ka pai! You’ve written a thorough blogpost this week. Making a lava lamp was fun, wasn’t it? I made one too! Interesting reaction using different ingredients.
    Great theme in your narrative showing kindness as well as working out differences together. Keep up your super efforts this week.

  2. Hi Amara,
    I like how you shared your work, and how you explained it.
    The backgrounds you used for the slide are really cool.


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